I love the harvesting part of this farmin' thing! My basket is full every morning. Those puny little plants I stuck in the ground six to eight weeks ago have grown like crazy!

Here's my little bean patch. The pole bean towers are as high as I can comfortably reach. The pole beans have just started to bloom. The bush beans are giving me more beans than I can eat!

Here's what's ripe today - or almost ripe. I wish those tomatoes would hurry up!

Chilis, tomatoes, gypsy peppers, blackberries, yes, that's a honey bee in my cleome, eggplant.
My chigger bite count stands at about 1000. Sheesh! I'll put up with those itchy critters so I can enjoy my good bugs. No chemicals here!
The winged creatures in the bee balm are hummingbird moths. I had three moths and one real hummingbird in the bee balm at once! I clicked about 30 (mostly blurry) photos. These two were the only decent shots.
Good thing I've got photos, because I'm too busy to write much!
I'm really eager to try my hand at making pickles - I've never canned though. If you have any suggestions or could post your recipe, I would greatly appreciate it. Good pickles are still one of life's greatest culinary pleasures and they're gluten free!!!! As a Celiac, I really appreciate that!
My jalapenos are ready, and I have tons. (For us, anyway). Tomatoes. Cannot even see a hint of pink. The timing for salsa making is WAY OFF! But I didn't make my salsa until late August, early September last year.
Hi Ellen,
Pickles are so easy! I used to use Mrs. Wages Quick Dill Pickle mix, but there's some ingredient in it that doesn't agree with me these days. Maybe tumeric, don't know. So I'm using a really basic brine and method.
I've been out of town, but I promise to post the recipe soon.
Hi Jenni,
I've had hot peppers for weeks, but have just picked my first handful of ripe cherry tomatoes. No ripe big tomatoes yet. I want to make ketchup. I've been ketchup-free since January. As a result, I've also been french fry-free. That's a long time to go without fries!
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