The weather is unbelieveably comfortable in Indiana just now. Now is August. We don't do comfort in August. We do sweltering days of 90+ degrees, nights that never cool us off, and serious storms. Yesterday's high was 78 degrees. My thermometer read 58 degrees when I woke up this morning. Ahhhhhh.
I took advantage of the comfortable temps to do some yard work. I was at it for 12 hours. I still had an hour of daylight, but was too tuckered to continue. I cut brush. I pulled weeds. I used my push mower like a weed whacker and cleared out some big overgrown areas. I carefully pulled up miles of poison ivy vines. I wore shoe and socks all day long. That's a departure for me.
I'm a little stiff this morning. I expect the kinks will work themselves out when I begin "Operation Mulch" after CBS Sunday Morning is over.
To take a break from the heavy work, I picked some vegetables.

I have steamed beans. I have sauteed beans. I have pickled beans. I have canned beans. I have frozen beans. I have made bean salad. I like beans a lot. Good thing!

Here is my technique for drying tomatoes: I wash my tomatoes and get out my dehydrator when the 11:00 news starts. You don't need fancy equipment. I bought this dehydrator for $20, over 20 years ago.
I leave an empty tray as the bottom layer of the stack. I slice my cherry tomatoes in half and place them cut-side-up on the tray. I hold the filled tray over the sink and generously sprinkle the tomatoes with sea salt. When my trays are full, I put the lid on top and go to bed.
In the morning the bottom layer is done, or nearly done. I check all the trays, and put the done ones in a bowl. I move the least done tray to the bottom layer and put the lid back on. During the day, I check the trays several times. I take out the done ones, and leave the rest. When they are all done, I put them in a zip lock bag and store them in the freezer. They keep for years in the freezer!

Don't agonize over perfectly matching dried tomatoes. After I put them all together in a bag, they seem to even out in texture.

I'm going to dry some of these. They thicken soup. And the water I cook them in is positively gummy. I'm going to grind some dried okra and add a little to my bread dough. I can't use xanthan gum, and I hope this will be a good substitute. I'll let you know if it works. The weather is too good to come indoors for baking just now.

I've got chiles! Salsa soon!

Please share which recipe you tried for the bread! I'm headed to Southern IN this week - no time to make it up north to meet you, hopefully next time!
Hi Steve,
Eat some Indiana tomatoes while you're here. If you can eat corn, try some of that, too. Too bad your time is limited. I'd take you to the State Fair.
The zucchini bread recipe I tried is the one in the comments (on the zucchini bread post) from His Tender Mercies. Here's the bad news: I think I'm allergic to baking soda. Can you believe it?! I'm going to try the same recipe with yeast and see if it works. Yet another science fair project . . .
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my picture with my cousins. We really do have a great time together. I so blessed to have a sister and three cousins so close to me in age!
Awesome photos of your beautiful garden produce and flowers, as usual. I have a new dehydrator so I am so happy that you posted about drying cherry tomatoes.
Kay, thanks for the visit. I LOVE your garden. In NYC I barely see green things but I can dream! *sigh* Carol over at Simply...Gluten free has a grain free zucchini bread recipe which I just remembered.
Hi Kay - that shallot salt you asked me about was a gift from gluten free Steve, but they also sell it at Penzeys, as well as the dehydrated shallots. I use those things ALL the time...
I wish I had your garden...or could come visit it and bring home a bag full of goodies. Growing season is about over here in Georgia...
Whoa! Thanks a lot for the tomato porn, Cuz! :o)
Claude found some (sorta) decent FL tomatoes the other day...I finally found a no-carb pie crust I like (using that almond cracker recipe I sent you,) so tomorrow is TOMATO PIE DAY!!! I still have to run out for fresh basil...and apparently gas, water and batteries since we have some big weather heading our way. *sigh*
Anyway, I thought you might be able to use this recipe for "Doritos" made out of Zucchini! (I hope you have a cheese that agrees with you.)
It's amazing the lengths we'll go to in order to satisfy those cravings, no?
Cousin Kathy
Thanks, Cuz!
I'm really short on legal snack foods. I miss snacks.
I hope Hurricane Fay misses you!
Ginger - I'll have to take a field trip to Penzey's soon. In the meantime, I found some shallots at the farmers market. I think I'll try fresh ones (with salt) for now.
The Indiana growing season got off to a late start. And we seem to be cooling off early. I really hope my growing season lasts a little longer!
Hi Kay:
I just tagged you for a meme about your five favorite kitchen tools over at the Crispy Cook if you want to play along. I'm sure the dehydrator makes at least your top ten list.
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